Biaya Kuliah Universitas Bina Nusantara Semarang 2025/2026

Bersama ini kami menyampaikan informasi tentang Biaya Kuliah Universitas Bina Nusantara Semarang 2025/2026, Sebagai berikut :

Sejarah Universitas Bina Nusantara

Universitas Bina Nusantara, atau juga dikenal dengan Binus University, merupakan salah satu universitas swasta yang berlokasi di Jakarta, Indonesia. Berawal dari sebuah institusi pelatihan komputer Modern Computer Course pada 21 Oktober 1974, dan berkembang dan akhirnya berubah menjadi Universitas pada 8 Agustus 1996, Universitas Bina Nusantara.

Program kuliah, Fakultas dan program studi Universitas Bina Nusantara – Binus University: fakultas Ekonomi dan Komunikasi: Akuntansi, Keuangan, Manajemen Hotel (D4) serta Komunikasi Pemasaran. Fakultas Teknik: Teknik Industri, Arsitektur, Teknik Sipil serta Teknik Komputer. Sekolah Desain: Desain Komunikasi Visual Media Baru, Desain Interior, Desain Komunikasi Visual Animasi dan Desain Komunikasi Visual Periklanan Kreatif. Sekolah Ilmu Komputer: Teknik Informatika, Teknologi dan Aplikasi Bergerak (Mobile Application and Technology) serta Teknologi dan Aplikasi Permainan (Game Application and Technology).

Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen: Manajemen, Bisnis & Manajemen Internasional serta Pemasaran Internasional. Sekolah Sistem Informasi: Sistem Informasi Audit, Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi. Fakultas Humaniora: Sastra Inggris, Sastra Jepang, Hukum Bisnis, Hubungan Internasional, Psikologi serta Sastra Cina. Program kuliah ganda Binus University: Manajemen dan Teknik Industri, Manajemen dan Sistem Informasi, Teknik Informatika dan Matematika, Teknik Informatika dan Statistika serta Akuntansi dan Sistem Informasi.

Visi dan Misi


“A World-class university fostering and empowering the society in building and serving the nation.”


The mission of BINUS University is to build  the nation and to contribute in global community development by providing world class education by means of :

  • Educating BINUSIAN to develop exemplary characters through holistic approach that meets global standards :  Educating BINUSIAN to be leaders with multiple skills by providing holistic approach using global standards and hands-on entrepreneurial learning experiences.
  • Resolving the nation’s issues through high impact research : Guiding BINUSIAN to resolve the nation’s issues through high impact and internationally recognized research by integrating the nusantara’s diversity and wisdom for enriching quality education.
  • Fostering BINUSIAN as lifelong learners through self-enrichment : Nourishing BINUSIAN spirit to develop exemplary character through personal and professional growth by leveraging best practices for lifelong learning.
  • Empowering BINUSIAN to continuously improve society’s quality of life : Transforming BINUSIAN to be empowering agents through community service programs that improve the quality of life needed for building and serving the nation.
  • Being the main driver to enrich the BINUS Higher Education system : Enriching the quality of  Higher Education by utilizing the best practices to consolidate a world class Education system with a unified spirit to foster and empower.

Biaya Kuliah Universitas Bina Nusantara Semarang TA 2025/2026

Program Biaya Kuliah Sem1 Biaya Laboratorium Biaya Peralatan Baiya Sumbanga
Normal Beasiswa TPKS
Computer Science 12,800,000.- 5,600,000.- Rp.  3,600,000.- Rp 14,000,000.- Rp. 0,- s/d,Rp. 10,500,000,-
Information Systems 12,800,000.- 5,600,000.- Rp.  3,600,000.- Rp 14,000,000.- Rp. 0,- s/d,Rp. 10,500,000,-
Visual Communication Design 12,800,000.- 5,600,000.- Rp.  3,600,000.- Rp 14,000,000.- Rp. 0,- s/d,Rp. 10,500,000,-
Digital Business 12,800,000.- 5,600,000.- Rp.  3,600,000.- Rp 14,000,000.- Rp. 0,- s/d,Rp. 10,500,000,-
Smart Industrial Engineering 12,800,000.- 5,600,000.- Rp.  3,600,000.- Rp 14,000,000.- Rp. 0,- s/d,Rp. 10,500,000,-
Digital Psychology (S1 + S1)** 12,800,000.- 5,600,000.- Rp.  3,600,000.- Rp 14,000,000.- Rp. 0,- s/d,Rp. 10,500,000,-

Note :

  • The period of study for a single program is 4 years and the double or master track program (*) is 4,5 years
  • The provided table of total tuition fee is under the normal circumstances.
  • If a student complete the program in a shorter or longer period, the total tuition fee in the provided table is not valid.


Program Kelas Karyawan Terbaik: