Beasiswa Kuliah Dalam Negeri

Beasiswa S2 dan Beasiswa S3 LPDP 2016

Beasiswa LPDP 2016 kini resmi dibuka. LPDP menyediakan beasiswa S2, beasiswa S3 dan sejumlah program beasiswa menarik lainnya. Salah satu beasiswa LPDP yang paling diminati adalah Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia (BPI) Program Magister dan Doktoral. Di […]

Beasiswa S1


Tahun ini, pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan telah dibuka di sepanjang tahun 2016, dan anda sudah dapat mengajukan aplikasi dari sekarang. Hasil seleksi akan disampaikan secara periodik. Artinya, siapa yang lebih awal mendaftar, akan berkesempatan mendapatkan beasiswa […]

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Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

Full Tuition Fee Scholarships for S1 S2 S3 Foreign Students, Khazar University, Azerbaijan

Khazar University – Azerbaijan, is offering full tuition fees scholarships for all international foreign students from any country commencing Bachelor, Master, or PhD degree in academic year 2016 – 2017. This scholarship program will cover […]

Beasiswa S1

Beasiswa Brunei 2016-2017 untuk D3, S1, S2 dan S3

Persyaratan Umum Beasiswa Brunei 2016-2017 untuk D3, S1, S2 dan S3 adalah sebagai berikut: Calon penerima beasiswa adalah Warganegara ASEAN, OIC, & negara anggota Commonwealth serta yg lainnya yg menuhi syarat. Calon penerima beasiswa harus berusia […]

Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

Postgraduate Scholarships, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Saudi Arabia, Jeddah, is pleased to offer Postgraduate Scholarships for international students (male only) for the academic year 2016/2017. Disciplines Available for Ph.D Faculty of Science BIOLOGY, STATISTICS, CHEMISTRY, BIOCHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS, […]

Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

PhD Studentships in Psychology, Cardiff University, UK

Project title: Exploring and expanding statistical methods and their applications How do researchers use and understand statistics, and how can statistical practice be improved? The quality of science depends critically on the quality of the […]

Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

Darwin Studentships, University of Birmingham, UK

The Darwin Studentships specifically fund PhD projects in the area of microbial (preferably bacterial) molecular genetics. Applications are considered from 31st January each year and excellent candidates are chosen for available projects until all Studentships […]

Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

Bond University Postgraduate Award, Australia

Bond University offers a range of living stipend scholarships for commencing Doctoral degree students. Living stipends are tax exempt, and provide financial support to enable students to focus on their studies. The 2016 Bond University […]