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Berita Kampus

Re: [beasiswa] [butuh info] The graduate school of Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University

Mohon maaf lho, Mbakyu,.. Kalau boleh tahu, persyaratannya yang tidak jelas yang mana ya?  Kalau belum ada pasport, ya bikin pasport.  Kalau belum ada supervisor, ya coba dicari dan dikontak supervisornya.  Untuk cara mencari supervisor […]

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Berita Kampus

[beasiswa] [butuh info] The graduate school of Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University

Sobat milis apa ada yang pernah mengurus beasiswa ini? Beasiswa dari The graduate school of Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan. Mohon pencerahannya. Soalnya saya sedikit bingung dengan beberapa persyaratan yang tdak jelas, […]

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Beasiswa S3

PhD Positions, Faculty of Arts, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy

Available positionsEU Citizensa total of 30 places in the following subject areas: Classical Philology, Language, Literature, and History Modern Philology, Language, and Literature Philosophy History (medieval to contemporary) Art History Citizens of non-European Union Nationsa […]

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Berita Kampus

[beasiswa] [INFO] Global Faculty Grants Program

The Global Faculty Grants Program offers professional development and research support to faculty in the social sciences and humanities in select countries. The program aims to: encourage the pursuit of and continued engagement with academic […]