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Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

Kuliah S2 Gratis di University of Ghent, Belgia

University of Ghent, Belgia, menawarkan bantuan biaya kuliah S-2 bagi para pelajar dari negara berkembang. Tetapi, program ini tertutup bagi mereka yang sudah memiliki gelar Master. Bantuan dana studi ini diberikan selama maksimal dua tahun. […]

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Berita Kampus

[beasiswa] [INFO] PhD position in Economics, Ghent Univ., Belgium

url: ==========================================================Ghent University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration has a vacancy for a MOTIVATED DOCTORAL RESEACHER (M/F) In the field of Micro-Econometrics Applied to Labour Economics Project title: “EVALUATING ACTIVE LABOUR MARKET POLICIES […]

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Beasiswa S3

[Belgium] PhD Position Biochemistry-Biotechnology at Ghent University

Position for a PhD Grant.Laboratory for Protein Biochemistry and Biomolecular Engineering -L-PROBE-Department Biochemistry and Microbiology(Fac. of Sciences-Ghent University) DescriptionThe Proteomics unit of the Laboratory for Protein Biochemistry and Biomolecular Engineering opens a PhD position in […]

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Berita Kampus

PhD Position in Biology at Ghent University

Deadline: 15 DecemberThe Department of Biology, Ghent University and the Department of Plant Systems Biology, Flemish Institute for Biotechnology Position invite applications for a PhD position within the field of diatom physiology to be filled […]